An Ethos for making things happen
We are do-ers, not dawdlers. We focus on tangible progress from start to finish and we listen closely to your feedback.
At Catalyst you can expect extreme attention to detail, a rigour and discipline to the correct application of your brand and most importantly, a helping hand to ensure you have full control of your company or product’s creative future.
Whilst companies often allow internal staff to helpfully compile a couple of quick documents in word or publisher to ‘keep the costs down’, this is a false economy. Poorly executed collateral damages your brand and inconsistent application lends a muddled tone to your message. By working close in hand with design professionals, you will retain full control of the brand look and feel, and often benefit from immediate savings in time and asset creation as your library of created content expands. Bespoke graphics and marketing materials designed for your company can often be reused or adjusted to give them a new look and feel at a fraction of the cost of starting over from scratch.